Are you interested in getting together with a group of women to explore your Catholic faith? Would you like to see how the Scriptures apply to your everyday life?
If you do, we invite you to consider participating in Walking with Purpose!
Walking with Purpose transforms the hearts and lives of women by providing Bible studies that enable women to know Jesus Christ personally by making Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church relevant and applicable. Our mission is to help every Catholic woman and girl in America encounter Jesus Christ through our Bible studies.
Our spring session, Beholding Your King, is underway. Newcomers are always welcome!*
To register, please contact Amy Grace at [email protected].
We meet Tuesdays in the Parish Center (on Gayley St. next to the school) with 2 options:
10-11:30 am or
7-8:30 pm
*Doors will be open ten minutes prior to each session. If arriving early, we kindly ask that you wait in your car until this time.
Click here for the Calendar & Lesson Schedule.
*We strongly suggest you get on the email by emailing Amy @the address above.
This way you will be notified in the event of a cancelation.
To register, please contact Amy Grace at [email protected].
We meet Tuesdays in the Parish Center (on Gayley St. next to the school) with 2 options:
10-11:30 am or
7-8:30 pm
*Doors will be open ten minutes prior to each session. If arriving early, we kindly ask that you wait in your car until this time.
Click here for the Calendar & Lesson Schedule.
*We strongly suggest you get on the email by emailing Amy @the address above.
This way you will be notified in the event of a cancelation.
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 7am, 8am, 10am * & Noon * Live Streamed on YouTube Weekday Mass Schedule Mon-Sat: 8am* (9am on Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving) Confession Saturdays: 3:30pm - 4:30pm Adoration Chapel Monday-Friday 8:30am-8pm |
Nativity Of the Blessed Virgin Mary
30 East Franklin Street, Media, PA 19063 Telephone: 610-566-0185 Fax: 610-566-2873 Email: [email protected] *This email isn't monitored on evenings and weekends. For emergencies or immediate needs, please call the rectory at 610-566-0185. Rectory Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am-1pm Sat & Sun: Closed |
Sunday parking options: