Faith Formation Ministries
When we are baptized into the Catholic Church, we begin a lifelong journey to grow in understanding of our faith. Nativity BVM Parish supports our parishioners' faith formation through various ministries that educate and engage.
Please email [email protected] to inquire about any ministry you are interested in.
- Catholic 101 (RCIA)
- Adult Faith Formation Series
- Book Club
- Parish Library
- Men's Spirituality Group
- Vocations
Please email [email protected] to inquire about any ministry you are interested in.
Catholic 101 (RCIA- Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Catholic 101 is for those who desire to become Catholic or who have questions about the Catholic faith. If you find yourself questioning your faith, you desire to grow in the faith, or you want to be refreshed in the faith, then Catholic 101 is for you.
Adult Faith Formation Series
Opportunities for Adult Faith Formation continue year-round through courses offered several times a year. Bible studies and video lectures are featured from solid Catholic sources such as Bishop Barron’s Word On Fire and the Augustine Institute. Discussion groups allow exploration and application to our lives. Courses are open to all and are free except for nominal charges for study guides.
Coordinator: Deacon Bill Kussmaul Forgiven Series Starting February 26, 2024
How long has it been? Have you been to Confession yet this year? How about last year? Do you know that God’s infinite mercy awaits you in this sacrament? Please consider attending a new faith-formation series this Lent: Forgiven. This is a video-based series on the Sacrament of Reconciliation which will be presented on successive Mondays starting February 26. Sessions at both 10 AM and 6:30 PM will be offered each week in the Conference Room. Individual participant study guides will be provided. No advance sign-up is needed. |
Book Club
Nativity BVM’s Book Club gathers bi-monthly to discuss a relevant book on the Catholic faith. The discussions are lively and enlightening in a faith-filled and supportive environment. Our meetings are facilitated by the Pastor, Father Bell, who is an avid reader. Members leave the discussions enriched by each others insights. Book club selections are publicized in the bulletin and books are available for purchase at the Rectory. For more information, contact the Parish Office at 610-566-0185.
Parish Library
The books that fill our Conference Room shelves have been organized into a usable, self-service Library. Books are categorized according to topic (e.g. Saints, Prayer, Scripture Study) and collected on color-coded shelves. You may browse the library before or after any weekend Mass. There is no sign-out system. Simply take the book you want to read, keep it as long as you need it, and return it to the appropriate color-coded shelf.
Library donations are accepted. Books can be hardback or paper, must be in good shape and not heavily marked or underlined. Donations that are not accepted for the library (because duplicate, or not in good condition, etc.) will be placed on the “Take and Keep” shelf, or donated to the Media-Upper Providence Free Library for their book sale. Many thanks go to energetic volunteers led by retired librarian Rita Moore for making this resource accessible to all.
Library donations are accepted. Books can be hardback or paper, must be in good shape and not heavily marked or underlined. Donations that are not accepted for the library (because duplicate, or not in good condition, etc.) will be placed on the “Take and Keep” shelf, or donated to the Media-Upper Providence Free Library for their book sale. Many thanks go to energetic volunteers led by retired librarian Rita Moore for making this resource accessible to all.
Men’s Spirituality Group

The Vocations Committee is dedicated to nurturing and fostering vocations to the priesthood and religious life. We strive to create a supportive and prayerful environment that encourages young men and women to discern their call to serve God and the Church. Our committee organizes various activities, literature, prayer vigils and informational sessions to help individuals explore their vocation and develop a deeper understanding of the priesthood and religious life. Through our efforts, we aim to inspire a new generation of priests and religious who will lead and serve our faith community with dedication and compassion. Additionally, we would hope to expand and increase the understanding of the commitment required for married life and the single life.
Meetings are once a month except June & July
Adults are invited to join
Contact: Peg Isselmann ([email protected])
Meetings are once a month except June & July
Adults are invited to join
Contact: Peg Isselmann ([email protected])
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 7am, 8am, 10am * & Noon * Live Streamed on YouTube Weekday Mass Schedule Mon-Sat: 8am* (9am on Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving) Confession Saturdays: 3:30pm - 4:30pm Adoration Chapel Monday-Friday 8:30am-8pm |
Nativity Of the Blessed Virgin Mary
30 East Franklin Street, Media, PA 19063 Telephone: 610-566-0185 Fax: 610-566-2873 Email: [email protected] *This email isn't monitored on evenings and weekends. For emergencies or immediate needs, please call the rectory at 610-566-0185. Rectory Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am-1pm Sat & Sun: Closed |
Sunday parking options: