Parish Life and Social Ministries
Learn more about the parish social activities we offer at Nativity BVM. We strive to build community and friendships through ministries and social clubs for men, women, and families.
Please email [email protected] to inquire about any ministry you are interested in.
- Nativity Seniors (55+) Club
- Men's Ministry
- Walking with Purpose Women's Ministry
- Young Family Fellowship
- Young Adult Ministry
- 40+ Theology on Tap
- Knights of Columbus
- Nativity Stitchers
- Garden Club
Please email [email protected] to inquire about any ministry you are interested in.
Nativity Seniors (55+) Club
2nd Tuesday of the month at 12pm (Brick Building), except for July and August
Men and women who gather on a monthly basis both socially, spiritually and in the breaking of bread (brown bag lunches). They have guest speakers come in and participate in bus trips. All 55+ parishioners are welcome. Please note that we do not meet in July and August.
Men and women who gather on a monthly basis both socially, spiritually and in the breaking of bread (brown bag lunches). They have guest speakers come in and participate in bus trips. All 55+ parishioners are welcome. Please note that we do not meet in July and August.
Men's Ministry
Walking with Purpose
Are you interested in getting together with a group of women to explore your Catholic faith? Would you like to see how the Scriptures apply to your everyday life?
If you do, we invite you to consider participating in Walking with Purpose! Walking with Purpose transforms the hearts and lives of women by providing Bible studies that enable women to know Jesus Christ personally by making Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church relevant and applicable. |
Young Family Fellowship
We invite all families with children (ages infant to 14) to participate in our Young Family Fellowship at Nativity BVM. Parenthood is a journey filled with joys and challenges, and we are here to support and bring together parents who share the same values and faith. We organize 8-10 social events annually where families can meet and grow in our faith together.
Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult community at Nativity BVM in Media is a growing group of Catholics in their 20's and 30's whose mission is to live out the love of God and neighbor. What began with informal meetings at Theology on Tap each month has culminated in swing dances, service projects, movie nights, Holy Hours, Dining Under the Stars, and more. At Nativity BVM, young adults are encouraged to participate in all aspects of parish life, and so have a strong voice here. Newcomers are always welcome to young adult activities, whether they are parishioners at Nativity, members of different parishes, or other young adults looking for authentic friendships and a Christ-centered community.
40+ Theology on Tap
Theology on Tap 40+ offers those who are 40 years or older the opportunity to gather together in a relaxed setting to enjoy a speaker's presentation, learn more about their faith, and to engage in meaningful conversation. Topics, dates and times are published in the Weekly Bulletin and on the Website.
Knights of Columbus
We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm
(Brick Building or Parish Center)
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal society committed to strengthening members in their faith, strengthening family life, supporting the clergy, and serving the parish and community. You can email us at: [email protected]. You can find us on social media, where we post updates about upcoming meetings and events:
(Brick Building or Parish Center)
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal society committed to strengthening members in their faith, strengthening family life, supporting the clergy, and serving the parish and community. You can email us at: [email protected]. You can find us on social media, where we post updates about upcoming meetings and events:
Nativity Stitchers
We meet on the last Thursday of the Month at 1pm (Conference Room)
Nativity Stitchers is a ministry which knits and crochets Prayer Shawls, Hats for the Homeless, Chemo Caps and Preemie Hats and Blankets. We also sew Baptismal Bibs presented to our newly baptized babies each month. Please join for stitching, fellowship and fun! Don't know how to crochet or knit? Come learn! |
Garden Club
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 7am, 8am, 10am * & Noon * Live Streamed on YouTube Weekday Mass Schedule Mon-Sat: 8am* (9am on Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving) Confession Saturdays: 3:30pm - 4:30pm Adoration Chapel Monday-Friday 8:30am-8pm |
Nativity Of the Blessed Virgin Mary
30 East Franklin Street, Media, PA 19063 Telephone: 610-566-0185 Fax: 610-566-2873 Email: [email protected] *This email isn't monitored on evenings and weekends. For emergencies or immediate needs, please call the rectory at 610-566-0185. Rectory Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am-1pm Sat & Sun: Closed |
Sunday parking options: