In 2006, 18 of us from the parish left for Biloxi, Mississippi to assist the residents after the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. Homes and businesses had been completely leveled by the storm. Many people of that area were trying to not only rebuild their properties, but to rebuild their lives. We stayed at the Debeaux Retreat House. The retreat house had sustained minor damage but the most significant damage was to an outdoor statue of Christ that had been knocked over by the storm. The hands on the statue had broken off (see the photo). We soon realized that for the next few days in this devastated area, we were to be the hands of Christ! I saw our strong hands cleaning, spackling, sanding, drilling– bringing order out of chaos. I saw our reassuring hands placed on the shoulders of those crying who had lost everything– bringing comfort and hope out of despair. I saw our skilled hands literally bringing light out of darkness. For a few days in this corner of the world, we were the hands of Christ. What a privilege!
And so began our vision and mission of Nativity BVM Parish. We, as a parish, will be the hands of Christ living out our baptismal call to bring order out of chaos; to bring comfort and hope out of despair; to bring light out of darkness. We have assisted and been a hands on presence at St. John’s Hospice, St. Francis Soup Kitchen, St. Croix in the Virgin Islands, Calla & Montenegro & Barranca in Peru, and La Dalia, Nicaragua. Our Legion of Mary visits prisoners at George W. Hill Correctional Facility. Our CYO organizes an annual Turkey drive. We have assisted fellow parishioners through our Food Collection, H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Everyday) and our St. Vincent de Paul Society. And the list goes on and on...
Pope Francis reminds us that “we all have vocations to follow Christ, born in us at our baptism. We do not manufacture our own vocation. It is given to us by God, discovered in the needs of the community, and lived out with others in mutual service. But the basis is the community that fosters and sustains growth. A faithful people deeply involved in service to the least and the lost will grow in authentic witness, inspiring others to see what Christian life looks like!” What a privilege! What a privilege! ~Father Bell
And so began our vision and mission of Nativity BVM Parish. We, as a parish, will be the hands of Christ living out our baptismal call to bring order out of chaos; to bring comfort and hope out of despair; to bring light out of darkness. We have assisted and been a hands on presence at St. John’s Hospice, St. Francis Soup Kitchen, St. Croix in the Virgin Islands, Calla & Montenegro & Barranca in Peru, and La Dalia, Nicaragua. Our Legion of Mary visits prisoners at George W. Hill Correctional Facility. Our CYO organizes an annual Turkey drive. We have assisted fellow parishioners through our Food Collection, H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Everyday) and our St. Vincent de Paul Society. And the list goes on and on...
Pope Francis reminds us that “we all have vocations to follow Christ, born in us at our baptism. We do not manufacture our own vocation. It is given to us by God, discovered in the needs of the community, and lived out with others in mutual service. But the basis is the community that fosters and sustains growth. A faithful people deeply involved in service to the least and the lost will grow in authentic witness, inspiring others to see what Christian life looks like!” What a privilege! What a privilege! ~Father Bell
Weekend Mass Schedule:
Saturday Vigil: 5pm Sunday: 7am, 8am, 10am * & Noon * Live Streamed on YouTube Weekday Mass Schedule Mon-Sat: 8am* (9am on Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving) Confession Saturdays: 3:30pm - 4:30pm Adoration Chapel Monday-Friday 8:30am-8pm |
Nativity Of the Blessed Virgin Mary
30 East Franklin Street, Media, PA 19063 Telephone: 610-566-0185 Fax: 610-566-2873 Email: [email protected] *This email isn't monitored on evenings and weekends. For emergencies or immediate needs, please call the rectory at 610-566-0185. Rectory Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am-1pm Sat & Sun: Closed |
Sunday parking options: